The Great Summer Reset: Seeking God Pt. 2

Aug 4, 2024    Pastor Bobby Brooks

In Jeremiah 6, we read of how the people of God have turned away from the Lord and refused to seek after Him.  They find no pleasure in His word.  Evil is rampant.  Greed and violence fill the streets.  No one is listening... no one is seeking God.  But just because they aren't listening, just because no one is seeking God, doesn't keep God from teaching us how to do just that.  

"Stand at the crossroads and look" begins the Lord.  With these words, God begins to offer us a vision of what it looks like to seek after God.  Last week, we learned that God seeks us first, most, and to the utmost.  This week, we'll look at what it means to respond to God in kind - to seek the Lord in response to His pursuit of us.