I AM the Light of the World

Feb 25, 2024    Pastor Bobby Brooks

By John 8, the tension between Jesus and his challengers is intensifying. While they look for a way to arrest and silence Him, Jesus continues to seek ways to reveal who He is. The context of John 8 provides the perfect background for doing just that. John 7 tells us the people of Israel have gathered in Jerusalem for one of Israel’s three major travel celebrations – the Festival of Booths (also known as Tabernacles). Here, they would remember God’s provision for the people of Israel during their wilderness wanderings. As a part of their celebrations, massive candelabras would be lit which, according to Jewish writings, were said to create so much light, that the whole city of Jerusalem was bathed in their glow. It is here, at the end of this festival, that Jesus makes a not-so-subtle claim: I am the light of the world. Don’t miss what Jesus just did there – the light from these massive candelabras could light their city; He, however, is the light of the world.