Good Bones: The Gospel in 4 Parts

Apr 7, 2024    Pastor Bobby Brooks

After His resurrection, Jesus accompanied two of his disciples on a seven mile journey out of Jerusalem to a place called Emmaus. They however, had no idea it was Him! As they walked, they expressed their disappointment at his death and even confessed to hearing reports of His resurrection. As they journey together, Jesus, his identity still hidden from them, reveals that His death and resurrection weren't a twist or interruption to God's plan - they were always the plan. He essentially says, "This is what the entire Bible has always been preparing you for!" This, however, begs a question: if the whole Bible had always pointed to the death and resurrection of Jesus, why didn't these two disciples see this? Why did his death and resurrection seem to catch everyone by surprise? At the risk of oversimplifying what is certainly a complex question: they'd confused and exchanged parts of the Bible with the whole Bible. In other words, they'd elevated parts of the Bible to such superiority and significance, that the rest of the Bible was overlooked or even rejected.

​​​​​​​This week. we'll explore how this danger is still present to us today and how we must learn to embrace all of God's word for all of God's world, if we ourselves are to avoid this trap.