On Vapor and Flowers

Jan 14, 2024    Pastor Bobby Brooks

In this week's Year In Search(ing) message, our next most googled individual points us to an obvious but often overlooked reality: life is so, so short.  Even the longest lives are but a drop in the bucket of history, much less eternity.  But for most of us, we don't give the brevity of time much thought until we're forced to.  Tragedy hits, an accident happens, our lives get shaken and all of a sudden, the security we once felt is gone.  To borrow the language of James 4, life is a vapor, a mist - here today and gone tomorrow.  So how do we live life fully when life is so frail, so fragile, so fleeting?  How do we live life fully today when tomorrow isn't guaranteed?  Join us this Sunday as we unpack the Bible's vision for the good life in a world where there never feels like enough time.​​​​​​​