On Helpers and Hierarchy

Jan 21, 2024    Pastor Bobby Brooks

The first two chapters of the Bible paint a beautiful vision of God's original creation - one in which humanity enjoys the presence of God and the company of one another in beautiful harmony with all the created order.  But by the 3rd chapter of the Bible, God's good world begins to unravel.  Sin enters the world and with it a tragic array of distortion, corruption and evil takes residence.  This brokenness manifests itself in countless ways, but one of the first, most immediate areas of impact is within the relationship between men and women.  What was once good, honoring, and shared, crumbles into accusations and power grabs.

​​​​​​​This week, we'll use another 2023 cultural highlight as a springboard into the following questions: what does the Bible teach regarding the relationship between men and women?  How does the Bible's vision of male/female relationships elevate both without devaluing either?  Want to learn more?  You'll have to join us!