Who>What You Know

Jan 28, 2024    Pastor Bobby Brooks

John 1:19-28 transports us instantly into the ministry of John the Baptist, a ministry that was causing all sorts of noise and concern back in the ivory halls of Jerusalem. Who does this guy think he is? What right does he have to do what he’s doing? He said/did what?!? Eventually, the questions reached high enough into the religious establishment to send representatives to find out for themselves: who is this guy really? John’s answers were far from helpful. No matter how the questions were presented, John’s responses pointed them to someone else. John seemed to understand himself completely through the lens of another, one “whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.” For John, who he was - his identity - was completely wrapped up in his relationship with someone the world still hadn’t fully met. And what is true of John is true of us - who we are, who we really, truly are, is irrevocably connected to who Jesus is.

This week’s most googled something is going to launch us into a discussion around just how important our relationships are - that relationships are everything.