Year In Search(ing): The Missing Piece

Feb 11, 2024    Nick Reed

Join us this Sunday as our Youth Director, Nick, continues our sermon series, "Year in Search(ing): The Hidden Longings Behind What We Googled Most in 2023" with a message titled "The Missing Piece" based on Matthew 23:1-12, Psalm 51:17, and John 4:5-15. 

In a world full of fake news, edited pictures, and emerging artificial intelligence, it can be hard to know what is real and what is not. We are in the final installment of our series "Year in Search(ing)" and this week we will be looking at the most looked-up word. Authenticity - The world is craving something real, and that's good news. 

As Christians, we have access to the most real human to ever live. St. Augustine once said, “You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they can find rest in you.” What God offers to us, and the world around us, is the missing piece, the one thing that can satisfy our soul. Join us this week as we learn together what it takes to find the real self, the real church, and the real (and only) God.