Year in Search(ing): Why Does God...?

Feb 4, 2024    Pastor Luanne

Join us as Pastor Luanne continues our sermon series, "Year in Search(ing): The Hidden Longings Behind What We Googled Most in 2023" with a message titled "Why Does God...?" based on Romans 8:31-39.

When you type something into Google, their AI generates the most expected questions in anticipation. And when you type in "Why does God..." you get things like: allow suffering, allow bad things to happen, hate me, take babies, allow children to suffer, isolate us, test us. As you can see, almost everything revolves around trying to make sense of pain and loss and suffering. These are the questions that many of us struggle with. We want to know Why we are hurting. But perhaps the why isn't as important as the how. How do we move forward? How do we experience relief from the pain we feel? How do we experience victory when all we can see is defeat?

Romans 8:31-39 provides us a beautiful picture of a God who loves us with an unshakeable, everlasting love. A love that gives us victory despite seeming defeat. It does not turn a blind eye to the struggles we face, but instead provides hope and encouragement to the hurting heart.